Just a cute pic of me
by Mike McKee

My Crazy 6 Month Transformation

It turns out a little consistency and not giving up goes a long way

Me in June 2023:

- Looking for a data analyst job
- Less than 20 LinkedIn followers
- 0 Blog readers

Me in December 2023:

- 3 months into my data analyst job
- 4600+ LinkedIn followers
- 1,300+ blog readers

What a crazy difference, huh?

Honestly, what matters most here is that I’ve been having the most fun in my life working as a data analyst and sharing my stories on my blog.

And lucky for you…

I have a lot more to share over the upcoming months. My data stories will only become better (and more chaotic). So, it’ll be fun.


Seeing this six-month growth makes me wonder how those above stats will look in six more months. Who knows how crazy it’ll become?