December 12, 2023
Two habits make me a better data analyst more than anything else. I'll tell you what they are.
But you're gonna hate me for it...
Well, these are two things most people hate. I take that back. They are two things most people HATE.
Yeah, this deserves that ALL CAPS outfit.
So, what are the habits? Reading and Writing.
"Ughhhh! C'mon Mike, don't throw this my way. How does that build my SQL, Excel, and dashboarding skills?"
They don't. And that's the secret.
Reading and writing force you to think differently. You see problems from new perspectives. Your creativity and imagination flourish like a kid alone in a candy shop.
Ever since I started my data analyst job, I've noticed that data tools are just tools.
If the tools make a great data analyst, then why do all companies use different tech stacks? Surely if one stack ruled the Dorky World of Data, everyone would adopt it, right?
Well, hate to break it to you...
But your problem-solving skills matter more when you're finally on the job.
Reading/writing improves your problem-solving skills more than any Excel or SQL tutorial.
I rarely spend time after work building up my data tech skills.
I do that enough on the job.
Despite this, I'm growing faster and learning more than ever -- all thanks to reading and writing daily.
Are you team reading/writing like me?
(Your answer may -- I mean, WILL -- affect the way I think about you. So answer carefully)