Just a cute pic of me
by Mike McKee

The Biggest Lesson I Learned In 2023

This may change the way you perceive your life.

If there were one lesson I could share from 2023, it’s this:

“One year is a LONG time. A lot can happen - especially things you don’t expect.”

Take a look at how my life looked in Jan 2023:

- Making bad money
- Failing to build an email marketing biz
- Having a 300-follower Twitter brand that no one cared about

I’ll admit that I could have made some better decisions to turn a few things around, but that’s a story for another time.

What matters here is that...

Come April 2023, I heard data calling my name. So I walked into the Dorky World of Data, and everything changed for the better.

Here’s how life now looks in Dec 2023:

- Making nearly 2x what I used to make
- Having fun writing on LinkedIn daily, w/over 5K followers
- Sharing data ideas on my blog Dorky Data
- Enjoying life more

So yeah…

The best thing I’ve learned in 2023 is that a lot can happen in one year. Who knows where you’ll be 365 days from now?