Just a cute pic of me
by Mike McKee

What Being a Data Analyst Means To Me

At the core, we're all the same... Sort of.

I’ve thought a lot about “what it means to be a data analyst” recently. And I’ve realized something…

On Tuesday, I shared a LinkedIn post about how I explain my job to people.

One of the answers I’ve been testing is this:

“My company has custom software to help our leaders make million dollar decisions. And I make sure the correct data/information reaches the software so our leaders have an easier time making their decisions.”

Focus on that second sentence…

It reminds me of how:

I don’t make business decisions.
I don’t give suggestions to stakeholders.
I don’t personally interact with C-Suite management.

So what do I do?

I clean and organize data so that decision-makers in my company have an easier time doing their job.

The only “analysis” I do is analyzing how data exists in the database and whether or not it’s correct. Nothing related to finding insights on HOW to improve the business.

And there’s a reason why…

I don’t have domain knowledge in all aspects of business.

I’ve never worked in a supply chain department before, so I don’t know how to give the right suggestions to my supply chain team.

I’ve never worked in a purchasing department before, so I don’t know how to give the right suggestions to my purchasing team.

I’ve never worked in a warehouse management department before, so…

…You get the point. I could go on.


I think being a data analyst means helping other people in your company have an easier time making decisions. You make their lives easier. But you don’t make decisions for them.

That’s the simple way to put it.

Things become complicated once you get into the HOW. But that’s a story for another time.