September 2, 2023
It’s been a good run, my fellow data dorks. Today’s Day 62 of this “66 Days of Math and Programming” challenge. So, only four more days left.
Man, it’s crazy.
Time flies so fast.
While I’m proud of what I’ve done so far, there’s one thing I can’t stop thinking about…
The word programming is literally in this challenge’s name.
Something I wanted to do every day of this challenge.
But that didn’t happen.
Don’t get me wrong. I learned a lot about Python and the Bash scripting language. But I’m not proficient in either yet.
That makes me sad.
Although, there’s a reason I didn’t learn as much as I hoped. Life got in the way.
I had to focus on:
While this challenge was one priority, my biggest priority was finding a job. You know, to finally break into the Dorky World of Data.
And guess what…
It happened. I got a job (more on that on Day 66).
So, moving forward, I’m gonna have a lot more time to focus on building my programming skills – specifically with Python.
Doing this challenge has inspired me to start a new one after…
I’m not gonna go into all the details now (mainly because I don’t know them yet).
But I’ll give you a sneak peek at one possible name for it…
100 Days of Python
What do you think?
Sound interesting?