Just a cute pic of me
by Mike McKee

Algorithm Time Complexities

66 Days of Math and Programming -- Day 30

I had another interview today, so after work yesterday, I spent most of my time preparing. But that doesn’t mean I did nothing math or programming related…

I did some light reading on data structures and algorithms -- primarily focusing on algorithm time complexities.

Now I’m a bit tired, so I don’t feel like writing a lot.

That’s why I’m keeping things simple today.

Using Python and the Matplotlib library, I created some graphs to show some common algorithm time complexities.

Here they are in order from most effective to least…

6 most common time complexities

Constant Time

constant time

Logarithmic Time

logarithmic time

Linear Time

linear time

Log Linear Time

log linear time

Quadratic Time

quadratic time

Cubic Time

cubic time