July 12, 2023
I’m about to take you down nostalgia lane…
Word Clouds.
Remember them?
I don’t know where I used to see these things, but as a kid, they’d pop up everywhere. And I always wondered how people made them. I assumed some fancy, complex website existed for people to drop a file and print out one of these bad boys.
But yesterday I changed my mind.
I realized creating word clouds is easier than tying your shoe. Well, that’s assuming you understand some Python.
Anyway, while researching some data structures yesterday, I stumbled upon an article talking about some “wordcloud” Python library. This grabbed my attention, so I investigated further. And that’s how I met your mother…
I mean, that’s how I made my first word cloud in Python.
Using the track names from my Spotify Python project, I created this beauty below...
Today’s post is a bit short, but at least I wrote something. That matters most. And if you wanna see the full code that created my word cloud above, skip on over to my Github.