Just a cute pic of me
by Mike McKee

Hello LinkedIn

66 Days of Math and Programming -- Day 17

I Am Silly.

Over the last two weeks, I’ve posted a few times about my “totally not dorky” 66 Days of Math and Programming challenge – where I write a blog post about something cool I’ve learned the previous day.

But here’s my issue.

I’ve only been writing on my blog. This dorky thing you’re on right now.

I’ve been missing out on some prime writing real estate over on LinkedIn. I mean, the place is filled with fellow data dorks eager to read about other people’s adventures in the dorky world of data.

That’s why moving forward, I’m gonna share these blog posts here and on LinkedIn.

Why not, right?

Sounds like a killer plan to me.

So go connect with me on LinkedIn.

Okay, now, onto a more serious matter: today’s blog post.

If this doesn’t sound like a math or programming lesson, you are completely wrong, my friend. More than ever, math and programming are all about collaboration. It’s the money-making, sexy word of 2023.

And by sharing my writing on LinkedIn, I’ll open more doors for connecting and collaborating with other dorks in the industry.

Collaboration = Success

*I’m cooking up something exciting, so hopefully, I’ll have some good news to share soon.*