August 31, 2023
Today’s yet another boring day…
Wait a minute. Not boring. Awesome. It’s an awesome day.
In some non-data news, I had a fun day setting up my new desk. I’m not gonna act like a corny YouTuber and give you a home-office tour. But let’s just say…
My new home office is starting to look pretty sexy.
Anyway, today, I’m sharing another LinkedIn post with you (pictures included this time). It’s all about how I read a book yesterday for the first time in three weeks.
So, enjoy…
I wish I could brag about how perfect I am...
But I'm far from perfect.
I don't wake up at 5am.
I don't read 2 books a week.
I don't work out every day.
I don't have the healthiest diet.
I'm a boring ole human like you.
Despite loving books, I haven't picked one up in almost three weeks.
I've been busy doing other stuff and haven't had the time or energy to read.
And guess what...
That's okay.
We don't have time to do everything we want.
That's why we set priorities.
The same is true in the data world.
It moves fast and you'll feel overwhelmed often.
Sometimes every day like me.
So when you set goals and make plans, don't be upset when you can't fulfill them.
It's part of being human.
What matters is that you do something.
You grow.
You learn more.
You meet new people.
Just show up every day and don't sweat the small stuff.
Oh, and remember how I said I hadn't picked up a book in three weeks? Well, I did yesterday.
I read about the bash scripting language and created this cool recursive function to search for directories on my laptop.
See... Always learning.