Just a cute pic of me
by Mike McKee

Look Ma! I'm on a Podcast

66 Days of Math and Programming -- Day 44

The most memorable people I know are memorable for one reason…

They do cool things.

That’s the secret to being someone people love. Okay, thanks for reading. (Pretending I’m waving you away)

Just kidding. Let me elaborate…

I’m not gonna sit here like a good boy and tell you that attention doesn’t matter. You should care more about engaging with others than getting attention… Right?


In the Dorky World of Data, attention means everything.

You’ve gotta get people to notice you and your work. But getting attention is just the beginning. You have to maintain it too.

But how?

By being memorable.

By doing cool things.

And last week, I did one of the coolest things I’ve done all summer – I was a guest on a podcast.

just a cool pic of me on Monica's podcast

I won’t lie.

Being on the podcast terrified me. I’m a data dork. Not a public speaker. When Monica first invited me to be a guest, I almost said no. I didn’t want to go on camera and embarrass myself.

But I didn’t do that.

Because saying no to incredible opportunities isn’t something memorable people do.

They walk right up to challenges and sucker punch them in the gut.

No mercy.

Being on a podcast scared me, but I did it anyway. That’s how we grow as people – by doing scary things. Even though they’re scary at first, they become cool after.

And look…

I’m not gonna act like the podcast was perfect. It felt super awkward at times… Most of the time… The whole time!

But I’m not scared anymore.

If someone else asked me to be a guest, I’d say yes right away because that’s what a cool data dork does.

Speaking of data, why am I sharing this with you?

Am I showing off? Maybe just a little :)

Here’s the real reason why…

If you’re anything like me, you love data, and you’re trying to either:

  1. Build a personal brand
  2. Build a like-minded network

No matter your reason for being in this Dorky World of Data, I guarantee that you’ll never achieve your goals if you never do cool things.

But how do you do cool things?

By doing what scares you.

Everything that scares you is something that becomes a cool story once you’re done. Monica’s podcast terrified me at first, but now it’s an awesome story I can share with my fellow data dorks.

It’s cool.

Her podcast is cool.

And it makes existing in this dorky world more fun.

So next time you’re able to do something that’s cool, dorky, and data-related, say yes. I promise you won’t regret it…

Oh, and also, listen to me on Monica’s podcast this Thursday.

I still think I was super awkward on it, but hey, I’m a writer. Not a speaker. So, I digress.

I’ll let you be the judge of it.