Just a cute pic of me
by Mike McKee

Running My Way to Success (Literally)

66 Days of Math and Programming -- Day 52

I may not be fat, but I sure feel fat when I’m out of breath and wheezing half a mile into a fun.

See, I have an “on again, off again” relationship with running.

I used to be the guy you’d see on the streets at 7 a.m. and make fun of for being “too healthy.”

Then, I became besties with junk food and alcohol.

I slowly stopped running and quickly gained weight. Oh, what a time.

But I’m putting my foot down now.

I’ve decided to become that fit guy you hate seeing on the streets again. Sorry. And to make this magic happen, I’m challenging myself to run 1 mile every day for 30 days.

And this running challenge ain’t my first dance with challenges…

Over the last four years, here are all the challenges I’ve done to spice up my life:

  • 30 Days without Social Media
  • 66 Days without Alcohol
  • 3 Months of Being Vegan
  • Publishing a Newsletter 26 Weeks in a Row
  • 66 Days of Math and Programming (in progress)

Guess how many I’ve failed…


A perfect 5/5. So beat that, you dork.


You may be wondering what this has to do with data, so let me explain…

Successful data pros are always evolving and growing as professionals. They never stop learning. If you want to be like those heroes, there’s one thing you need to make it happen…


Starting new adventures and learning journeys is easy. But following through till the end with your actions is like attempting to re-code Facebook from scratch – it ain’t happening.

That’s why you need accountability.

It keeps you motivated and helps you focus on the end goal.

So whether you’re trying to become more consistent on your data journey or do something new in life, challenge yourself like I do.

Gamify life.

You’ll see the incredible things you didn’t know were possible.