Just a cute pic of me
by Mike McKee

Screw Data Projects -- I'm Done

66 Days of Math and Programming -- Day 48

Yesterday was a crazy day – too crazy to tell. I’m having fun and trying to enjoy my last few weeks of freedom. So, I couldn’t spend five hours after work programming and studying data (sounds like a beautiful Friday night, though, huh?)

But having limited time doesn’t stop a data dork like me.

I still did something story-worthy yesterday.

And try guessing what it relates to… Programming.


Anyway, I’ve slowed down on my Python journey over the last two weeks. I hit a fork in the road, and like a helpless child, I wanted mommy and daddy to guide me down the right path.

But unlike a helpless child, no one came to save me.

I was on my own to figure out what I wanted to do next.

And yesterday I found my answer.

I realized that I’ve gotta stop with the data projects. As someone who can’t stop talking about data, you may be confused. So let me explain what I mean…

All of my Python projects so far have been related to data analysis. I mean, I’m becoming a data analyst, so why not practice it? But there’s a problem with this logic…

I don’t give myself any break from data.

While the projects are awesome, I’m not enjoying them as much as I should. That’s because Python for data analysis doesn’t even caress the skin of the language. It uses basic skills and doesn’t give me an in-depth experience with things like classes, generators, collectors, and more.

I’m barely learning the language with data projects.

That’s not okay.

It makes me realize that I’m simping for data again. I’m doing projects other people would want to see me do – not projects I want to do.

So times are changing…

My goal is to become a Python Ninja by the end of the year, and I’m gonna do that by creating wacky and fun projects. I don’t care if they aren’t “data analyst portfolio worthy.” I’m here to learn and have fun.

Not please the data world and obey its every order.