Just a cute pic of me
by Mike McKee

Starting an Adventure With a Cutie Named Vim

66 Days of Math and Programming -- Day 40

You’re not a real programmer until you join the most fragile debate of them all…

The code editor debate.

When I first announced that I was learning to program, I had some people mention that I should use VS Code with a Vim extension. And I had no idea what that meant. I was like… “Vim what?”

And here’s the kicker…

When I first looked up Vim, I decided not to use it because I didn’t like its logo.

It looked too old for me. I didn’t just judge that book by its cover. I completely spit on its cover – like a freaking logo psychopath…

But over the also few weeks of my coding journey, I’ve heard countless podcasts talking about Vim… It’s as if its logo wiped off my moist spit of its face and whispered, “I’m back, you data dork.”

Yeah, it scared me at first, but part of being a quick learner is opening yourself up to new ideas. So rather than spit on that nasty cover again, I grabbed its hand and whispered in its ear, “Show me the way…”

After watching a few tutorials on Vim, I fell in love. I basically dropped to my knees and begged for forgiveness.

And now I’m here, starting my Vim journey to program without a mouse like those badass hackers you see in movies.

It’s gonna take some time to become a Vim master, so last night, I took the time to make some notes on key shortcuts to use… And the best part is that I wrote these notes in a text file using, guess what…


I just hacked the freaking matrix.

I learned about Vim…

By taking notes about Vim…

While writing the notes in Vim…

Now that I’m writing this down, I can’t decide whether I should feel like a dork or a damn superhero. You decide.

Anyway, here’s a glimpse of the notes I wrote…

some useful vim shortcuts/commands