Just a cute pic of me
by Mike McKee

The Last Day of this Challenge

66 Days of Math and Programming -- Day 66

Guess what day it is?

The last day of this challenge. For 65 days straight, I’ve written a blog post here. You know, to document what I’ve learned about math and programming.

Now in the beginning, I kept my word and focused primarily on math and programming topics.

But this challenge evolved…

I realized the best thing for me to write about isn’t always the cool math equation or programming tip. Not even the technical skills needed to become a data analyst. Sharing the cool stories and life lessons I learned is more fun.

So I shifted.

Rather than feel stuck, I gave myself some wiggle room to adapt.

And in the Dorky World of Data, being able to think on your feet and adapt to changes is an important skill to have…

That’s not the only thing these 66 Days of Math and Programming have taught me.

Here are 7 lessons I learned from this challenge:

  1. It’s okay to take off days from your side hustles to prevent burnout
  2. 99.99% of the world will never read what you write, so write away
  3. Screw everyone else, write what you want (you’ll be happier)
  4. Writing about what you learn makes you remember more
  5. Learn how to adapt to changes in life or live with regret
  6. You’ll never know enough, so keep learning
  7. Time management skills are underrated
  8. Don’t be scared, hit publish

I've written a lot over these last 66 days, so I'm gonna take a few days off from the blog.

Today's Thursday. So I'll come back feeling good on Monday.

Get ready for more from this data dork.