Just a cute pic of me
by Mike McKee

To Be or Not To Be... A SQL God

66 Days of Math and Programming -- Day 46

You know, if I had a nickel for every time someone called me a SQL God…

I’d have nothing.


But that’s me right now.

Give me six more months, and I’ll be wooing all the girls with my sexy SQL skills. (That happens in the real world, right?)

Anyway, I’ve finally got some BIG NEWS for ya…

I got a job…

Yes, yes, it finally happened... Oh, stop applauding. You’re making me blush.

Okay, jokes aside…

I’m a SQL Data Analyst now.

Ahhh, it feels good to say it out loud. But this ain’t the time for me to talk more about my position or the underdog journey I took to get here. (I’m saving this for a later date)

Instead, I’m using this blog post to talk about the journey I’m going on during the next few weeks. If you couldn’t tell by my new job title, I’m gonna be working with SQL a lot. Like A LOT…

So rather than spend my next few weeks as a free man building my Python skills, I’ll work on my SQL skills instead.

Of course, I know how to use SQL.

I’m not some dorky data con artist. That would be crazy.

But some of my advanced skills could use some refreshing.

Yesterday, I spent a few hours skimming through a SQL Server book to brush up on my skills and see if there’s anything I should focus on.

It didn’t take too long since I already knew 80% of the book. There ain’t no fooling this data dork.

If you’ve read any of my other blog posts, you may know that I’m a big fan of learning by doing.

That’s why I’m gonna work on writing a lot of queries over the next few weeks instead of focusing on books.

I’m not forgetting about Python – I’ll still work on some LeetCode problems daily to keep my skills fresh. But it’s not the focus until I start the new job.

So until then…

Catch me on my journey to one day be called more than just a data dork… Perhaps you’ll call me [ehh hem] a SQL God.

(I’m not egotistical, just optimistic)