Just a cute pic of me
by Mike McKee

Using Pygame for the First Time

66 Days of Math and Programming -- Day 63

All you software engineers better watch out. You ain’t ready for me…

Now that my full focus is on building my programming skills, I’m dedicating (almost) all of my free time to programming.

I’m gonna become a programming wizard one day.

But as someone who gets distracted easily, I need a way to stay focused.

And the answer’s simple – do cool projects.

Build things I find interesting.

That’s the plan.

For now, rather than do basic projects others do, I’m gonna build whatever I think is cool. So long as it’ll teach me about Python too, of course.

And guess what’s teasing me with its good looks right now…


The Python library that allows you to build your own video games. Cool, no?

I have some experience with Pygame already since I used it a few years ago in my Intro to Computer Science class. While I don’t remember everything (almost nothing), I know the basics. I know how the library works and what it’s capable of doing.

So that’s a good start.

I spent about 45 minutes playing around with Pygame yesterday and created this:

manually moving an image on the screen using pygame

It’s nothing crazy yet, but I had so much fun.

So this hypes me up to create more cool things with Python.