Just a cute pic of me
by Mike McKee

Why I’ve built Dorky Dorky (even if you don't care)

Every great hero fights crime for a reason. Dorky Data's no different.

If I were to walk through the front door of a FAANG company, everyone would stop what they were doing. They’d stare at me, drop to their knees and bow as if I were their savior.

Why you ask?

Because I’ve built a website. This website. Dorky freakin' Data.

And here’s what would happen next…

I’d wake up from my beautiful daydream and see the world for what it truly is -- a big, fat lie. If I actually walked through the front door of a FAANG company, no one would care. They’d probably think I’m some Door Dash driver making a deliver.

I wouldn’t look special at all.

I mean, I didn’t even code this website myself. I used Webflow (a no-code platform).

But none of that would matter.

I’m not building this to impress some nerdy tech guy at Meta or Amazon or Apple or blah blah blah...

Dorky Data exists for seven and seven reasons only:

  • Build credibility
  • Network
  • Write and create content
  • Show off and boast
  • Build authority
  • Have accountability
  • Stay relevant

And in this blog post, you'll take a look inside Dorky Data’s underwear draw to uncover the truth about why you’re reading my lovely words in the first place.

So let’s dive in with perhaps the most important reason…

Build Credibility

Two years ago I graduated with a math degree from what some people would call the Harvard University of the SUNYsBinghamton University. But with great achievement comes great disappointment.

Once I finished doing my time, I promised myself one thing: That I wouldn’t pursue a career in math. I wanted to be a writer. A marekter.

For the last two years I pursued that path.

And if there’s one thing I’ve learned about building a brand it’s that credibility matters more than anything. Think about this fictional scenario right here…

Let’s say you’re buying some Batman underpants at your local dollar store. Assuming the prices are equal, which pair would you buy:

  • The one with the actual DC comics Batman on the butt
  • Or the Ghetto store brand version with ripoff Batman on the butt

If you chose the latter you don’t deserve either pair.

But what’s the point here?

Credibility makes people trust you. Credibility makes people listen to you. And credibility makes people believe in your brand.

And the best ways to build credibility are through:

  • Email lists
  • Social media
  • Websites (shocker-shocker)


There’s a clichéd saying that goes… “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”

Blehh. Just writing that made me gag. Every time you hear someone say that, you probably wanna punch them in the face too.

But nonetheless the phrase has depth. There’s truth to it.

Who you know in life matters. And it’s not just how many people you know but how many influential people you know. Having a high value network opens up more doors and puts more opportunities directly into your hands.

Show me one successful entrepreneur or high level executive that got to where they are now completely on their own. One that’s a lone wolf in the corky world of corporate biz.

I’m willing to bet my (future) million dollar website right here that you can’t find anyone.

Everyone gets help from someone else in life.

And sometimes the toughest part about having a great network is building that great network. Lucky for me, Dorky Data automates that process for me (sort of).

When cool, data loving people like you make it here, you’ll fall in love with me. You’ll read my captivating words and think “I wanna invite this guy to my wedding.”

It doesn't always happen, but that’s how I want people to feel.

I want them to love my work and personality so much that they’re willing to invite me into their network. And I'd gladly bring them into mine.

Networking rules so go hit up my LinkedIn right here and let me know you're coming from this blog post. There’s a 99.999% chance I'll respond to you.

Write and Create Content

Remember a few years ago when a cringy breed of dancers took over the internet through a somewhat-popular app called TikTok?

Well they popularized a new career called Content Creation.

I love creating content too. Just I’m not standing in my living room moving my hips like Shakira in front of my iPhone. I could probably pull it off, but that’s not my sorta thing.

Instead I turn off all the lights and tap away at my keyboard for hours, thriving as a writer.

And with marketing/copywriting, creating content was something I loved. Look at some of the creative tweets I’ve made in the past…

just a few high performing tweets I've written in the past
two of my best Twitter threads here for ya

But sadly creating content doesn’t always pay the bills. And I’m no trust fund baby, so I don’t have a few milly sitting in my bank account.

Like most people, I need to work to live.

And since I love math, data and numbers so much, why not work in data analytics? It's only the first step of many on my journey to conquer the dorky world of data. But more on that another time.

Even though I’m pursuing a new career, I don’t want to lose touch with my writing and content creating roots.

That’s why Dorky Data matters.

It’s my digital home away from my actual home.

It’s a place for me to be creative, have fun, and write cool ideas about data that 98.6% of data analysts and scientists can’t do.

*Don’t quote my data here. And don’t ask me where the 98.6% number comes from… Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone.

Show Off and Boast

I’m a humble guy. I don’t want to be cocky or brag about my data analysis or writing skills.

But sometimes, I’ve gotta show off. It’s human nature. You've gotta do it sometimes too.

And what better place to do it than here.

On my own website, absolutely no one can tell me what to do. With social media sites like Twitter and LinkedIn, you think you have freedom to say what you want when you want.

But an evil algorithm sits behind the curtain, making you dance like a puppet. Dance Pinocchio, Dance!

You think you own your followers but you don’t.

At any time the sites can ban or delete your account without warning. But with email lists and websites, you call the shots. You’re the QB with full freedom to call any play you want.

And that’s why I can’t just share my cool ideas on Twitter and LinkedIn. I need a platform that I control. A platform that drops to its knees and bows down to me as its savior.

Build Authority

Okay authority and credibility go hand-in-hand. They’re almost the same thing. But there’s a difference…

Credibility refers to whether or not you can trust a source.

Authority refers to whether or not a source has power in its industry.

You can be trustworthy and never tell a lie, but if no one knows who you are in the data world, then you’ll have no authority.

No influence.

And without Dorky Data I’ll never conquer the world.

This website will guarantee that I become one of the Kardashians of the data world. It may take a while to build up some wealth, but over time, people will see me as someone that matters in the field.

Who wouldn't like that?

Nowadays, everyone wants to become an influencer in one way or another. Whether credible or not, influencers have power. They have hungry followers lining up to like and comment on everything they do.

I don’t want to be an influencer like those TikTok dancers we talked about earlier.

I want to influence like industry leaders.

Without a platform to write on, I’d never make my name known. I mean, try naming one data scientist who doesn’t write a blog, post on social media, or create YT videos AND is a powerful leader in the field with a household name everyone knows.

Take your time thinking. I'll wait...

And I’m so confident you won’t find anyone that I’m willing to auction off my parent’s home if you prove me wrong (just joking so don't take me serious here).

Have Accountability

Starting a new journey is cool and all, but it’s easy to give up when you don’t see progress right away. At the beginning of 2023, I set out to launch the greatest email marketing agency the East Coast has ever seen.

Spoiler alert: it didn't happen.

I gave up because I didn’t enjoy it. I gave up because I had no goals or direction. And I gave up because I had no accountability.

No one was there to babysit me and make sure I do my job.

So this time around’s gonna be different.

Dorky Data will be my babysitter. Yes, you’ve heard me right.

I’m making a promise to write here at least once a week and share interesting ideas here. I’m the type of person that hates breaking promises, so I have no choice but to follow through with what I say.

And here’s another promise for you…

One day, I’ll conquer and rule the dorky world of data.

No take backs. I’ve gotta do it now.

Luckily Dorky Data will serve as a reality check. Whenever I find myself slacking or too tired to write, All I need to do is open my laptop and look at my screensaver.

Or I can just open up my phone and look at the wallpaper there.

my iPhone wallpaper is my Dorky Data logo
100% true depiction of my iPhone's lock screen

Am I cynical for using my brand’s logo as my background? Or does that just make me a genius?

You tell me, my friend…

Stay Relevant

And last but not least… I want to stay relevant.

I don’t want to be a one-hit wonder. Screw the "Outkasts" and "Carly Rae Jespens" roaming around the dorky world of data.

I don’t want to be the next one.

Everyone moves fast in the tech and data space. A lot happens over the course of one year or a few months. Standards change. Trends come and go like your high school crushes.

While most people say “life’s a marathon not a sprint,” the data world seems like a freakin' sprint to me.

It’s easy for you to fall behind. It’s easy for others to forget your name.

But Dorky Data is my savior here. This time it’s me getting on my knees to bow down to the all mighty Data Dork.

Doubt me all you want, but most people trying to make a name for themselves in the data world will become obsolete in the next 2-3 years. But not me.

A wise man once said, “started from the bottom now we here.”

I’m starting from the bottom and never going back down. It’s only up from here. There’s no way I won’t stay relevant.

That's a promise.


In case you’re the person that skips to the end of blog posts without reading them, here’s the tl;dr for ya, you lazy bum. But if you did read this whole post, you're literally the coolest person ever. Hands down.

Anyway, these are the 7 reasons I’ve built Dorky Data and the tl;dr I promised:

  • Write and create content
  • Having Accountability
  • Show off and boast
  • Build credibility
  • Build authority
  • Stay relevant
  • Network

Before you say “goodbye Mike” and leave this website, there’s one thing I need from you. Obviously you’re somewhat interested in what I’m doing here since you’re crazy enough to read my writing to its end.

Now that you know a bit about my story and goals, I’d love to hear how you feel about math, numbers and data.

Do you love it or hate it?

Should I consider you a friend or foe?

Shoot me an email at mike@dorkydata.com to let me know if you're a real data dork like me. I’m an inbox hound, so I’ll answer you quickly.