Just a cute pic of me
by Mike McKee

Your Data Projects Sucks Because of This

66 Days of Math and Programming -- Day 53

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get away from your trash data project. That’s why.

Okay, that’s a little harsh. I’ll admit it. But if you wanna survive in the dorky world of data, you must learn how to embrace criticism. So if anything, I’m doing you a favor. I’m helping you build character.

Here’s a lil truth bomb for you…

Math says that if 50% represents the average, then half of all data projects are below average. So I’m sure one of your projects is below average. Aka, straight trash. Aka, big-time doodoo. But don’t feel bad. I’ve got a project in there too.

So I guess… Welcome to the club!

Yesterday, I saw a few LinkedIn posts sharing new data projects people have created. The data dork in me felt compelled to check them out. But boy, do I regret it.

Most of the writing was so bad it made me wanna slap John Wick across the face so he’d stab me in the eyes with a pencil. I’m not joking. Most of it sucked. That’s because if 50% of all projects are below average, then 50% of all people are below average writers.

Oh, you’ve gotta love math.

Do you see the lesson I’m trying to teach?

Most people suck at writing. So there’s a good chance you suck at writing too.

Now look…

I’m not gonna act like I’m the best writer in the world. I’m not even the best writer in the data world. It’s okay. I’ll admit that. But since I’ve been writing for four years, I know I don’t suck. I’m probably a better writer than 95% of the people in the world. (Not trying to be cocky. Just realistic).

I mean, I know how to hook an audience and keep them engaged. That alone would make you better than 90% of the population.

But let’s get back on track here…

What makes me a good writer isn’t just practice. It’s understanding the difference between good and bad writing. The difference between writing that’s like cocaine and writing that’s like sleeping pills.

Most data enthusiasts are logical people.

They don’t have creativity, so they aren’t used to writing engaging words. Again, nothing wrong with that.

There’s only an issue when their data project reports walk you through every single step of the process and every single query they wrote. It doesn’t make people say, “Woah, that’s awesome! I wanna read more about how they wrote a SELECT * query.”

Bad writing makes you want to kill James Bond’s lover, so he comes after you next.

But jokes aside, how do you move your projects from below to above average?

It’s simple…

Become a better writer.

Learn how to engage readers so they finish your posts – not ride their horses off the cliff halfway through.

And if you want to become a better writer, write more.

Write. Write. Write.

There’s nothing else to do. It’s the same as becoming a better data analyst – analyze more data.

So get out of here and go write.

Normally, I’d want to send you down a slippery slope where you never stop reading my work. But this time’s different.

I’m giving you a hall pass to cheat on me.

So go make this data dork proud and start writing.

And in case you don’t think I’m a great writer, I have one thing to say to you…


I trapped you. I wrote engaging enough to make you read this whole blog post. The jury rests. Give me a nod of respect and go write.